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Baldwin, Clive, und Lauren Ripley. 2020. „Exploring Other-Than-Human Identity: A Narrative Approach to Otherkin, Therianthropes, and Vampires“. Qualitative Sociology Review 16 (August): 8–26. https://doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.16.3.02.
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Kuckartz, Udo, und Stefan Rädiker. 2023. Qualitative Content Analysis: Methods, Practice and Software. Second. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
Luiggi-Hernández, José G., Elizabeth Fein, Jennifer Bradley, Jenna Pelly, Sharon E. Roberts, und Kathleen C. Gerbasi. 2024. „The Jackal in the City: An Empirical Phenomenological Study of Embodied Experience among Therians and Otherkin“. The Humanistic Psychologist. https://doi.org/10.1037/hum0000350.
Plante, Courtney, Stephen Reysen, Camielle Adams, Sharon Roberts, und Kathleen Gerbasi. 2023. Furscience: A Decade of Psychological Research on the Furry Fandom. Reysen.
Proctor, Devin. 2018a. „Cybernetic Animism: Non-human Personhood and the Internet“. In Digital Existence. Routledge.
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Roberts, Sharon E., Courtney N. Plante, Kathleen C. Gerbasi, und Stephen Reysen. 2015. „The Anthrozoomorphic Identity: Furry Fandom Members’ Connections to Nonhuman Animals“. Anthrozoös 28 (4): 533–48. https://doi.org/10.1080/08927936.2015.1069993.
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